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The anti-inflammatory properties of stem cells can bring movement back to life.
● Safe stem cells ●
Stem cells can improve the quality of life!
There are many different forms of myopathy with different mechanisms of development. Traditional treatments may not always be successful. Cell therapy is an alternative that improves the quality of life.
Roman Sulik, MD, coordinator of cell therapy programs, neurologist of the highest qualification category
Idiopathic inflammatory myopathies (IDM) are a group of chronic autoimmune conditions. The most common are dermatomyositis, polymyositis, a necrotic autoimmune myopathy, and sporadic myositis with inclusions.
The main symptom of these diseases is muscle weakness and, consequently, limited movement. At the same time, the quality of life considerably worsens. In addition, irreversible changes in the functioning of vital organs become a threat.
But don't give up! We believe that from now on, your life will change for the better because we offer minimally invasive but effective therapy that aims to suppress inflammatory processes.
The technique includes intravenous and topical administration of umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells (umbilical cord MSCs) and multipotent nerve crest-derived stem cells (MSC-APG).
Indications for cell therapy
This treatment is indicated for patients over 18 y.o. with diagnosed idiopathic inflammatory myopathy.
● oncological diseases or their presence in the anamnesis for the last five years;● pregnancy;● mental disorders;● alcohol and drug addiction.
The goal of stem cells therapy
Cell therapy can affect the pathogenesis and inflammation of idiopathic inflammatory myopathy.
Mesenchymal stem cells are successfully used in the treatment of autoimmune diseases due to their ability to create cytokine stress for the body. This modulates the immune system and thus reduces its aggression against muscle tissue. In parallel, stem cells provide a paracrine effect that performs a trophic function for the cells around the muscle tissue, as well as for the myocytes themselves, and thus improves metabolic processes and promotes better tissue regeneration.
● Safe stem cells ●
The treatment process
1. Consultation with a manager
Contact our managers. At this step, we gather your medical information and confirm the diagnosis. If needed, we will schedule an online consultation with a doctor.
2. Consultation with a doctor
A personal consultation with a doctor is an opportunity for you to find out all details of the program and get an individual prognosis. All the medical information you provide will be carefully reviewed so that you get the most effective treatment. The procedures take place in our clinical institutions in Kyiv, Ukraine.
The course of the treatment is developed individually and lasts for 4 days or more.
3. Checkup
During the checkup, the doctor assesses your readiness for cell therapy. If the assessment is positive, biological materials are taken. Depending on your doctor's recommendations, you may be prescribed your own* or donor stem cells.
* If you are prescribed the treatment with your own cells, you will have an ear punch biopsy performed under anesthesia in an operating room. The procedure lasts for 15 minutes. The punch depth is up to 4 mm, and the diameter is up to 3 mm.
4. Preparation of the stem cell product
OWN CELLSAfter the biomaterials are collected, our team of biotechnologists will prepare a therapeutic dose of stem cells. In our laboratory, we will select stem cells from your sample, grow the required number of cells, test them, then create a stem cell product for your treatment. Usually, the production takes up to 21 days.
DONOR CELLSAccording to the doctor's prescription, the biotechnologist will select a ready-made and pre-tested sample of donor cells from our cryobank in the required quantity. In this case, cell injection can happen immediately after diagnosis and drug preparation.
5. Start of treatment
During your first visit to the clinic, you will consult with a doctor, then have an instrumental (including electromyography), clinical, and laboratory checkup.
Based on the results of the checkup, the doctor may prescribe pharmacological therapy in the form of intravenous infusion and intramuscular injection.
6. Injection of the cellular product, the regeneration phase
As part of treatment, the doctor may prescribe an intravenous and local injection of the cellular product.
7. Medical assessment report and weakening of the basic treatment
You will be provided with a medical assessment report that states the diagnosis, the examination results (clinical, laboratory, and instrumental), the treatment process, and further recommendations. The doctor will examine you, select the necessary treatment, or adjust the one prescribed to you at the time of arrival at the clinic.
8. Keeping in touch
The main results can be observed within 6 months after cell treatment. You will see the improvement of the regenerative processes in the body.
Throughout the program, you will have a personal manager who will ensure the best communication between you and the clinic. After treatment, our patients are advised to maintain contact with us. We'll ask you to fill out a questionnaire in 3 and 6 months after the treatment to evaluate the progress and answer all questions.
● Safe stem cells ●
What are the possible side effects of stem cell in idiopathic inflammatory myopathy treatment?
Standard side effects after cell therapy include fever up to 37.6 for several days, general weakness, headache lasting up to 7 days.
Is it necessary to undergo cell therapy regularly for idiopathic inflammatory myopathy?
Thus, idiopathic inflammatory myopathy is an autoimmune disease that can have periods of remission and exacerbation. Cellular therapy is aimed at tracking the remission of the disease. Repeated course of cell therapy can be performed every six months or once a year to maintain a positive effect.
What results of stem cell therapy can be expected in the treatment of idiopathic general myopathy?
After undergoing cell therapy in the treatment of idiopathic inflammatory myopathy, we expect stabilization of the general condition of the patient: reduction of weakness in the proximal muscle group in patients with myopathy, reduction of dysphagia, reduction of respiratory disorders.
● Safe stem cells ●
Please contact us, our managers are always ready to answer your questions. Consultation by phone is completely free and does not oblige you to anything.We will be happy to provide you with comprehensive information so that you could make the right choice!