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Stem cell transplantation is the way to a better future

Stem cell transplantation is no longer a dream — it's an effective reality.

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Safe stem cells

What do you need to know about stem cell transplantation?

For some diseases, stem cell transplantation is the only possible treatment.

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How are stem cells collected?

The essential condition for safe and effective stem cell transplantation is the choice of the source of stem cells in the adult body.
The most common sources of mesenchymal stem cells in the adult body are adipose tissue and bone marrow. Obtaining a sample of adipose tissue and bone marrow aspirate imposes a number of inconveniences for the patient, including pain and discomfort.
GOOD CELLS proposes to isolate stem cells from a small sample of a skin biopsy from the ear area, and here is why.
This method is minimally invasive. It's basically a perforation biopsy (punch biopsy), which extracts a small piece of skin (~ 4 mm), including deeper layers (epidermis, dermis, and superficial fat). Our innovative technology allows us to distinguish three types of stem cells with different therapeutic potential from a small biopsy sample. These cells are fibroblasts, adipose tissue mesenchymal stem cells, and neural crest-derived multipotent stem cells. Isolated stem cells are propagated in culture to the required number and can then be transplanted back to the patient as directed by a physician. A punch biopsy is performed under local anesthesia. The procedure lasts for around 20 minutes. The biopsy size is up to 4 mm in diameter, and the patients have reported no side effects. The wound heals naturally. You can return to normal life immediately after the punch biopsy.

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Autologous vs. allogeneic stem cell transplantation

There are two stem cell transplantation types.
1. Autologous — patient's own stem cell transplantation. For autologous transplantation, stem cells are isolated from the patient's skin, adipose tissue, or bone marrow, then augmented in the laboratory to the required amount, and later transplanted back to the patient.2. Allogeneic — transplantation of donor's stem cells. Donor stem cells can be isolated not only from bone marrow, adipose tissue but also from the umbilical cord or placenta.
In the absence of contraindications, it is always preferable to use the patient's own stem cells.
Indications to use allogeneic stem cells:
patient's age — with age, the reserve and potential of stem cells are depleted, and therefore they may not fully cope with the recovery of the body; systemic diseases (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes) — such pathological conditions disrupt the biological properties of stem cells, their regenerative potential, and therefore treatment with autologous stem cells will not bring the expected result; not possible to obtain enough autologous stem cells.

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Stem cells administration

Stem cell transplantation is performed by infusions or injections. Methods of administration are determined directly by your doctor depending on the type of disease and its nature.
The most common methods of stem cells administration are:
intravenous — the easiest and safest way to deliver stem cells; intramuscular — delivery of stem cells through a syringe into the thickness of muscle tissue; intraarticular — the introduction of stem cells directly into the damaged joint. It is used to treat various types of osteoarthritis and arthritis; intrathecal — introduction into the cerebrospinal fluid, that allows to bypass the blood-brain barrier. This method of stem cell delivery is used to treat diseases of the neuro-degenerative spectrum; intranasal — injection through the nasal cavity.
The timing of stem cell administration depends on the method and dose of the cells being transplanted.

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Benefits of stem cells transplantation

For patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, spinal cord injury, autoimmune diseases, cardiovascular and musculoskeletal disorders, advances in cell therapy seem very encouraging and sometimes are the only possible chance for a healthy life.
Here are the main advantages of stem cell therapy.
1. No transmission of infectious agents — the donor of SCs is the patient him/herself. Even in the case of allogeneic transplantation, the product is thoroughly tested.2. There is no risk of transplant rejection — SCs are low-immunogenic.They do not cause an immune response: on the contrary, they can suppress the immune system.3. Avoidance of surgery — SCs transplantation is usually performed by infusion or injection. There is no risk of cuts and scars after surgery.4. Minimum recovery time. Recovery after surgery and other treatments is usually time-consuming. After SCs therapy, the patient can return to everyday life right away.