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Empty nose syndrome (ENS) is a rare and severe disease. It significantly reduces the quality of life of patients. Nevertheless, most people are unaware of the existence of this disease. The condition has one disappointing feature — often, doctors do not know how to act correctly with such a disease. Sometimes patients are more informed about ENS than medical workers.
Treatment of empty nose syndrome
Treatment of ENS usually begins with reducing symptoms — nasal lavage, moisturizing drops, and taking antidepressants. In severe cases, patients are offered surgical reconstruction to normalize the architecture of the nasal passages. However, such interventions are not always successful.
Treatment of ENS with stem cells in Good Cells
Our clinic is absolutely ENS-friendly. The Good Cells medical center team is fighting to improve each patient's condition with ENS. We provide an individual approach. In addition to the classic treatment methods, we offer to use the potential of stem cells. Cell therapy methods help repair the damaged nasal mucosa by improving epithelial cells' function and reducing inflammatory reactions to restore connective tissue and morphology of damaged tissues.
Search for a new biotechnological solution for the treatment of ENS
Unfortunately, the recommendations described above can be not sufficient for patients with significant tissue loss. They need other methods that can not only restore normal mucosal function but restore tissue volume as well.
Therefore, a team of biologists from the Good Cells laboratory in 2020 began developing a new biotechnological product to treat ENS. It can be used with minimal invasiveness — by injection.In the future, the development may help solve the problems associated with the loss of connective tissue volume of the nasal concha.We hope that the new product will be able to improve the lives of many patients with ENS.
We are grateful to caring patients who do not tire of looking for effective treatment and motivate us to elaborate on new medical solutions!Read about the next stage of the study soon.
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