Call us: +38 (067) 242 82 22

Наші можливості

Лабораторія Good Cells працює згідно з міжнародними стандартами і здатна якісно виконувати всі завдання, які ставить регенеративна медицина.

  1. Main page
  2. GOOD CELLS laboratory
  3. Our potential



Злацька Альона, к.м.н., завідувач біотехнологічною лабораторією Good Cells

About The Company

We provide a wide range of services to meet even the most daring requirements.

Our Company was established in 1989 by two enthusiastic brothers eager to start their own business and to get noticed by the whole world. Now we are one of the country’s best places to work and grow professionally. Our business is built on understanding and long-term relations with clients. To survive in today's competitive and ever-changing business world, every business has to operate efficiently, grow, and succeed. It is very important to properly use the information and technology to stay rival within your market. We can help you push the boundaries and achieve the results you have planned.

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    Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.
    We are devoted to creating unique and innovative solutions along with the high-quality supporting services. Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.

Ми можемо створювати такі типи біотехнологічних продуктів







Data Deploy

Our company provides professional data employment for clients all over the world.

Business Consulting

Multipurpose assistance for online stores and offline retail businesses.

Наша сертифікація

Лабораторія неодноразово підтверджувала сертифікати ISO 9001 та ISO 13485 у складі попередньої компанії, що обов'язково відбудеться у складі Good Cells. Тож метрологічну акредитацію проходимо за замовчуванням.





Розхідні матеріали та обладнання

Ми працюємо тільки з якісними матеріалами та обладнанням, які створюють найкращі виробники.


